
Showing posts from 2025

On My First Travelogue in Nine Years

I've been in Portland for a little over six and a half months, testing all the waters, getting all the sealegs. Nothing quite enforces the idea of radio being the medium all about the now with a job where everything changes so constantly. It's been a bubble unto itself that gets to isolate me to some degree from everything else in the world, and for that I'm entirely grateful. Nothing has stayed the same from month to month and I'm rolling with the tide and trying, in all things, to slow down. My time at KMHD gave me the time and ability to pull off something I realized I haven't done in nine years-- write a longread travelogue about a music festival. I'm forever haunted by projects I've failed to complete about travels past like heists gone wrong-- Montreal, New Orleans. I cherish my loving ramblings, my verbal snapshots of moments long past-- cold, expensive New York the first time around ; the most professionally fulfilling week I've ever felt in swee...