2024-- Finally Snagging the Brass Ring on the Carousel Ride

It happened the way one would expect it to happen in a movie. I'm a middle-aged man with a particular set of skills, renowned in certain corners but technically on the outs, when I got a call out of the blue about a life-changing opportunity where I'd uproot my life for a shot at the brass ring, even if it has its own complications. Of course, if this were a movie, the call would have been a guy flying in on a helicopter and landing in the park across the street from my previous home in San Antonio, with my boss walking up my long driveway, taking off his sunglasses, hair tousled in the wind, and starting with "You're a hard man to find", but a phone call out of the blue also sufficed. Last year around this time, I was stuck in a rut. I had gotten the job I thought I wanted managing the adorable hot spring bath house resort/craft beer & wine bar on the Southside of San Antonio, Texas, that my landlord spent years dreaming into reality. People found it charming...