Oh, right, did I mention I led a street mural project last month?

Back in August, I acted as art director on a piece, painting the words of San Antonio poet laureate Andrea "Vocab" Sanderson around three sides of Travis Park. For some odd reason, I didn't post about that here considering this place is meant to be an official website of my work. I felt the need to post it now, despite the words "Jubilant and Exuberant" have already been entirely worn away by traffic on Pecan St., because I have already begun preparation for another art commission for an event I've loved for years, so I feel the need to keep things up to date for that, I suppose.

This is the odd things about all of this, this period of transition I'm in. I'm working as an artist, still thinking of myself as a writer, but all the while knowing it's all part of the same idea. I'm manifesting things into the world, and how is always a more interesting question than what. Whether it's making things possible or helping someone else make things possible, this is the manner in which I fly by the seat of my pants and this is how I fill the days hoping, as usual, that I'm making things a little bit better wherever I go.

That being said, pulling folks together to paint a message in the middle of the street that wasn't Black Lives Matter but was the best we could get away with saying while surrounding a park that used to have a Confederate statue as a centerpiece was a pretty cool way to make things a little better last month. I've got a piece I'm working on for next month that will also be temporary, as all things are to some degree. I'll try to keep more up to date about that.

Otherwise, I'm still working on writing and editing a collection of works new and previously published. I'm excited about it and I'm seeing its structure take more form, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on it, but I had to procrastinate on that process some by remembering to update this website. All of it is part of the process.


P.S.-- I did do some press about "Jubilant and Exuberant..." back in August, though. I wanted to make sure you saw it here in case you missed it.


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