The Line-Up for 6-15-2012

This week was just sort of interesting in that I didn't feel like talking too much and I wanted to feature more new music. Things were sort of fast and loose.

Zach Brock - Black Narcissus
Brock, the violinist for the Stanley Clarke Band, has his own new release, Almost Never Was, that has an amazing line-up of Aaron Goldberg (p), Matt Penman (b), and Eric Harland (d), yet no one is talking about it. This must change.
Flying Lotus - Zodiac Shit
Bebel Gilberto - Aganjú?
The computer picked this one but I wanted a vocal set with some bounce to it so this was perfect to kick it off.
Esperanza Spalding - Cinnamon Tree
I've sort of loved this song for a few years now and was really happy that Spalding recorded this for Radio Music Society. It's a really cool song.
Kurt Elling - Blue in Green
I love everything about this song. I love the lyrics by Al Jarreau. I love Hobgood's arranging. I love Elling's vocal decisions. I love the vamp out. I love that the vamp out is perfect for a music bed for so long. I love everything about it.
Flying Lotus - Breathe . Something/Stellar STar
Pilc/Moutin/Hoenig - Nardis
Honestly, this may be my favorite version of "Nardis".
John Raymond - The Way Home
I haven't played enough stuff from Strength and Song on The Line-Up.
Davy Mooney - Central Supply
Angelika had me look into this album, Perrier Street. I'm glad I did.
Avi Granite's Verse - Charlie's Shorts
This album, Snow Mountains, was sent to me. It seemed only right that it'd get some show placement. It's good, a good multilisten album.
Mo Kolours -  Keep It Up
Ramp - Daylight
When I arrived at the station, J.D. was sorting through music added to the system and this came up. I said immediately that I'd play it. It feels too good, doesn't it?


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