The Line-Up for 5-12-2012

It's been a bit of an exhausting week at Nextbop but hopefully things should get to some level of normalcy soon. Because of that, this week has me revisiting some stuff from the past and combing through the library a bit. However, I hope to have a lot more new music next week. Promise.

Wayne Escoffery - World of the Bardo
This album is still very much on my mind.
Mo Kolours - Temi
Gerald Clayton - Bootleg Bruise
Happy birthday to Gerald Clayton whose birthday is today.
Adam Kromelow Trio - Upgrade
Every time I hear this guy on the radio, I'm immediately impressed. I'm sort of surprised I haven't copped his album, Young Blood, yet.
Vijay Iyer Trio - Little Pocket Size Demons
I'm playing this to make up for last week and also to remind folks that the piece we did on Iyer this week was pretty insightful.
Freddie Joachim - Morena
John Scofield - Born in Troubled Times
A computer selection I stuck with, you know the deal.
Gilad Hekselman - Hazelnut Eyes
Hearts Wide Open is, for some odd reason, and album I haven't had for entirely too long considering what it is I do and how long Seb has been talking about him. Now that the album is actually around me, I might play it on the show more often.
Madlib - On the Move - Roland Alphonso
Thundercat - Fleer Ultra
I wanted something short and funky. I knew this would do the trick. Also, I just got my Brainfeeder stickers in the mail and want to represent.
Mister Barrington - PRG
Hey, guess who just got added as a Nextbop artist.
Yesterday's New Quintet - Rugged Tranquility
Some YNQ came up in my commute at just the right time.
Diego Bernal - Diego's Donut
I can't stop giving mad props to these guys success. It's like my heart is growing at least two sizes in some sort of Grinch-like fashion.
Arawak - Accade A Bali
It looked like I had a little time on the end so I combed the library for a decent closer. Any source of a Quasimodo song is a down to be a good closer.


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