The Line-Up for 4-6-2012

It's the last day of the Jazz 91.7 Spring Pledge Drive 2012 and it's been a pretty fun week. I got to hang out at the radio station all week. It's been a particularly fun week of content and discourse with Nextbop.

Vijay Iyer Trio - MmmHmm
Accelerando keeps getting love from me. Also, I felt like playing some Thundercat twice over for some odd reason (I close the show with Bruner proper).
Mister Barrington - Helter's Kelter
Phronesis - Upside Down
Phronesis just dropped a new album, Walking Dark, on us this week and it's quite good. This week's show is sort of heavy on piano trios. I've always had a soft spot for them and as this show can attest, they're capable of a lot.
Neil Cowley Trio - Rooster Was A Witness
I haven't played any of the new Neil Cowley album in a little while so I felt this merited fixing.
Wayne Escoffery - World of the Bardo
The Only Son of One is pretty impressive-- smooth without being smooth, soulful without being straight up soul. I really like this album and I hope it doesn't get swept under the rug this year by more high profile albums released. I'll try to keep this on my radar for a little while. It really deserves it.
J&D - Coffee in the Morning
BADBADNOTGOOD - UWM feat. Leland Whitty
I've said about 4,000+ words about this band over the last week so I may not say much more other than the fact that this song has now been stuck in my head all week and now I have a craving for some cereal.
Portico Quartet - City of Glass
I knew I'd be playing some new BADBADNOTGOOD so for some reason, I knew I wanted to play some Portico in the same set. That's just how puzzle pieces fit in my head. I think the two compliment each other pretty well.
Kenneth Whalum III - If We Try
This set needed a third track that also featured a saxophone. While ideally, it's not the same natural fit as the BBNG/Portico combo, I like how this one rounded things out.
MF DOOM - High John
Aronas - Happy Song
I felt this show needed a little extra kick and then I realize how much I dig this song.
Marco Benevento - You Know I'm No Good
Benevento has been lurking in the back of my mind for this whole week for various reasons. It's time he came to light on the show once more.
The Bad Plus - Smells Like Teen Spirit
With all the talk of Robert Glasper versioning this song on Black Radio, I felt it was necessary to revisit TBP's 2003 version from their major label debut, These are the Vistas. Sometimes you have to come back to these things. Remember when the industry was fighting about what these guys were doing? There's nothing new under the sun.
Nujabes - Arurian Dance
Thundercat - For Love I Come
Any show end strong when it ends with Thundercat.


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