The Line-Up for 4-13-2012

You want to know the definition of drained? Almost half of this Line-Up is computer selections. I rather liked the options it gave me and hopefully my personal choices for the week play well with others.

Brad Mehldau Trio - 26
I figured I wanted to play some more new Mehldau this week but I also figured I had to figure out some 13 related stuff for this Friday the 13th show. Also, "26" is one of the choicer tracks from Ode.
dela - Get Busy
Booker T. Jones - The Hive
I've been letting my Google Music wild out and upload more of my music to the cloud lately so my commute on shuffle has a hell of a lot more selection. This allows things like Booker T. Jones' The Road from Memphis from last year stay accessible from almost everywhere, and fresh on my mind, and still just a thought away from showing up in a Line-Up because it still rocks me to the core.
Ali Jackson, Jr. - I Gotchu
Computer selection, less funky than the Booker T. but just as driving.
Paul Grabowsky - Silverland
Computer selection, less driving as the Ali Jackson but just as cool.
Nujabes - The Space Between Two Worlds
Wayne Escoffery - Selena's Song
I'm not playing about this The Only Son of One. I will not let this album pass folks by.
Don Cherry - Degi-Gegi
I wanted things to start getting weird. I mean, this is a computer selection but I rather liked the idea of a show on Friday the 13th should feel angular.
Teebs - Pretty Poly
Dave Douglas - The Great Schism
Computer selection, even more angular
The Nels Cline Singers - King Queen
Computer selection, but I could very well have switched this out with "Divining", my favorite song from Initiate, on which both of these tracks reside. But I play "Divining" often enough, so I let this stay.
Bonobo - Ghost Ship
This was playing during my commute to the station right as I was walking through the campus. Right then and there did this song earn a spot as the show's closer. Oh, can we get a real Bonobo album soon, please?


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