The Line-Up for 10-7-2011

It's the last day of the KRTU fall pledge drive and it's action packed. Join in on all the fun by becoming a member of the station. In the meantime, dig the cool music this week.

Menahan Street Band - Everyday A Dream
Curiously enough, the computer picked this song. Clearly, I wasn't going to throw out any Menahan Street Band.
Andrew Cyrille & Mor Thiam - Water Water Water
Vijay Iyer feat. Prasanna & Nitin Mitta - Duality
I've been feeling playing a selection from Tirtha for a little while. This seemed like a good time to do so.
Gerald Clayton - Snake Bite
This one came up in my commute.
Apple Juice Kid - Bitches
Ben Williams - Moontrane
The computer picked this one, too. I think it's learning me now.
Dafnis Prieto - Emergency Call
I know I played this track a couple weeks ago but it came up in my commute the other day and I knew I wanted to play it again. It re-wowed me.
J&D - Coffee in the Morning
Nujabes - Counting Stars
This came up in my commute. I got really into it, too. It had to make it in the show.
Karl Denson's Tiny Universe - Almost Seedless
Karl Denson came up in a conversation I had at the station today for super secret reasons that I won't yet go into for quite a while and you'll likely forget I brought him up by the time any of this becomes relevant. Still, he put together a damn good band and I'm playing him tonight.
Flying Lotus - Zodiac Shit
Kenny Werner - Lo's Garden
The computer picked this one. I kept it. It sounded cool and it compliments the set I made.
Josh Moshier & Mike Lebrun - We Will Go And...
The work Moshier and Lebrun have been putting together for The Local Colorists EP has been top notch stuff, hasn't it?
Pazes - Etacarinae
Le Bouef Brothers - Two Worlds
Seb and I agree that the album streams we have been doing for Nextbop have all been quality stuff. We're glad to add In Praise of Shadows to that list of great albums we've been able to share with all of you.


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