The Line-Up for 9-23-2011

If it isn't already clear, I'm particularly excited about Jazz'SAlive. I always am. It's a tradition for my family to go every year and even though I'm now in a position where I'm seeing how the sausages and laws are made, so to speak, I still don't love this event any less. This show isn't really connected to this weekend at all with the exception of my enthusiasm but that's always there, isn't it?

Dafnis Prieto - Emergency Call
I love that the MacArthur Foundation always picks a jazz musician to receive one of their grants each year. We as fans should support musicians even if we aren't an anonymous group of eccentric curators of brilliance with large purse strings, but it's good to know the MacArthur grant is out there. Congrats to Dafnis Prieto for getting this honor. It'll be cool to see what he does with it.
The Remix Project - A Tribe Called Quest-Electric Relaxation
Brad Mehldau - When It Rains
Work has been particularly hectic this week and I found myself saying the expression "when it rains..." a lot which brought this song to mind. Also the arrangement fits quite well with the next track.
Josh Nelson - Atma-Drandana
Nelson's Dirigibles dropped a couple of weeks ago to, from what I can tell, not a lot of fanfare. That doesn't seem right because this pianist/arranger/composer has released a spectacular album that'll tie folks over until Darcy James Argue is able to release his follow-up to Infernal Machines. Be on the lookout for Nelson because he seems to be waiting in the cut.
Trade Voorhees - Stoned Soul
Marco Benevento - Greenpoint
I figured with me making such a big deal about Jazz'SAlive this weekend, I might as well play something live during the show.
Austin Peralta - Capricornus
This one was a decision that came to me on the ride to the station.
MF DOOM - Licorice
LA Funk Mob - Oriental Folk Song
Some changes were made to the computer so certain categories that fit in my show's format would automatically fall in en masse. My hour was filled to the brim with pretty dope shit, some of which I kept and some I filed away on an Evernote to play weeks down the line. This is one of the tracks that stayed this week.
DJ Spinna - Lansanna's Priestess
This is one of the other ones.
Jermski - Particle
Aphex Twin - Avril 14th
BADBADNOTGOOD - Title Theme-Saria's Song-Song of Storms
This trio keeps releasing good music (They dropped a new mixtape last week) and they continue to show great potential. It's going to be great to see how they mature as musicians but for them to show so many seeds so publicly, they're putting a pretty good face forward.


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