The Line-Up for 6-17-2011

As much as I wasn't feeling the groove of putting last week's show together, I felt almost the opposite of picking this week's Line-Up. I had no pre-prepared Post-it Note of selections, I just had a soul set in mind and a few folks I knew I wanted to get back to playing. I feel it worked out pretty well.

JAMES Farm - Unravel
Some people get out of rotation in my show for a few weeks for the sake of variety, that way, I can ask "Hey, when's the last time I played some _____?" That's what happened here.
Ben Allison - Some Day We'll All Be Free
I haven't put together a ranked list of the best albums of the year so far (I'll be lazy and won't make a list until November or so) but Allison's Action-Refraction is certainly in consideration.
Portico Quartet- Clipper
Portico is one of those groups that needs time to breathe. I've been getting into them again lately. Some music rejoins us in their proper seasons.
Gretchen Parlato - Circling
I have to piecemeal the Parlato sometimes because I could still probably play two or three tracks of hers a week and not get tired of her, but I care about you, dear listener.
Stefon Harris, Dávid Sanchez, & Christian Scott - Black Action Figure
We're now at the point where Ninety Miles is getting all the play everyone anticipated it should be getting
Ben Williams - Mr. Dynamite
Be on the lookout for our album stream of Williams' State of Art next week.
Menahan Street Band - Everyday A Dream
This week's soul set is put together to compliment the new Ikebe Shakedown album that was most impressive rather immediately. Besides, I'll take any excuse to play Menahan Street Band.
Ikebe Shakedown - Tujunga
Seriously, it seems like the moment I put this album on, I was immediately impressed. Judging by the review The Revivalist gave it, I'm not alone in my thinking.
Booker T. Jones - The Hive
This is my favorite track off Jones' The Road From Memphis. Also, could this album be the companion piece to John Legend and The Roots' Wake Up? They have proven themselves to make amazing soulful albums as a session band two years in a row. I want The Road From Memphis to get the same level of Grammy consideration.
Marco Benevento - Greenpoint
I really enjoy the album version of this but it's really something to know that Benevento can get even funkier with this tune.

Mic Breaks
Sufjan Stevens - Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! (Restore! Rebuild! Reconsider!)
Dntel - Anyone Anywhere
Daedelus - Welcome Home
Teebs - Moments


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