The Line-Up for 5-6-2011

I don't think I have anything special to say about this show in its entirety except that I'm pretty happy with it. The songs, and my subsequent commentary on them, should speak for themselves.

Christian Scott - Isadora
It seemed befitting to start the show off giving congratulations to the fresh engagement of Nextbop's good friend, Christian Scott, to his beloved Isadora Mendez. We wish them all the best.
Gerald Clayton - Snake Bite
All this week, Gerald Clayton's new album, Bond: The Paris Sessions is streaming at Nextbop. Needless to say, we're quite happy to share this album with you. I figured giving you a taste of this would lead you to the rest of the goodness.
Jason Moran - RFK in the Land of Apartheid
By now, you know how it goes... A song comes up on my commute, I fall for it all over again, it makes it into that week's Line-Up. Second verse, same as the first.
Becca Stevens Band - Weightless
Last week, I played a couple of Stevens' covers. This week, I played one of her equally amazing original tunes. Weightless is quickly in contention for hitting my Best of 2011 list.
Marco Benevento - Atari
Do I need to remind you that Benevento's live album, Bene Live: April '11, is free to download? Did I just do so in asking that question? Yep, I guess I did.
Gerry Gibbs and the Electric Thrasher Orchestra - Pinocchio
Yet another find that popped up through combing through the library, but when can I say no to Gerry Gibbs?
Ben Allison - We've Only Just Begun
My favorite track off Allison's Action-Refraction is "Some Day We'll All Be Free". KRTU Music Director Kory Cook's favorite track off this album is "We've Only Just Begun". Which do you think is better?
Ibrahim Maalouf - Esse Emme
This is another one of those albums that Seb got ahold of and therefore so did I. What's interesting about it, though, is that finding information about this album in America is particularly difficult. This is one of those albums that's really more of a European release, which makes sense considering the strong Arabic influences in the music. Thus, KRTU and Nextbop proves itself as playing music that you really don't hear everywhere. This is a legit DJ moment for me and I didn't even notice it until today.
Menahan Street Band - Everyday a Dream
I go pretty crazy for the Menahan Street Band. They're the coolest performing anachronism around.
Incognito - Expresso Madureira
I'll always have a soft spot for Incognito and their acid jazz sound. Also, this song title is hard as hell to pronounce.
Kenneth Whalum III - It Was Written feat. Common
I haven't played this one in a while so I figured it was time to pull up the KWIII. Also, did you know he's Ludacris' music director? That's just wild.

Mic Breaks
Zero 7 - Salt Water Sound
Zero 7 - Look Up
Nujabes - Kodara
Erykah Badu - My People


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