The Line-Up for 4-1-2011

To be frank, I'm fighting off a cold so I don't really have a lot to say this week. Fortunately, the music shall speak for me. Oh, and make sure to pledge your support to KRTU. The spring fund drive is over but that still doesn't mean it's too late to become a member of the station.

Garage A Trois - Outre Mer
Who's excited about a new Garage A Trois album? Eh, anybody? I know y'all are. I'll hip y'all to that as soon as I get my hands on it.
Justin Vasquez - Nimbus
This one's a computer selection but I figured since I intended to play some new Gretchen Parlato this week anyway, this seemed like a logical fit.
Taylor Eigsti - Midnight After Noon feat. Becca Stevens
This one's here because Eigsti is the pianist for Parlato's latest album. Everything seems to fit together so well.
Gretchen Parlato - All That I Can Say
Who remembers this song? I remember first hearing it and thinking it was the most I had ever been impressed with Mary J. Blige. When I learned it was Lauryn Hill who wrote it, things made sense. Knowing that Gretchen Parlato is tackling it for her new album makes it all the better.
Jason Parker - River Man
At long last, Parker has released his Nick Drake project on the world.
The Bad Plus - Physical Cities
This is my favorite TBP song from my favorite TBP album.
Freddie Hubbard - South Street Stroll
I've been sort of feeling like playing some Freddie Hubbard lately. I hope you don't mind.
Pat Metheny - The Spirit of the Air
Computer picked it but when was the last time I played a track from Orchestrion, huh?

Mic Breaks
Bonobo - Kiara
Iron and Wine - Rabbit Will Run
Black Moth Super Rainbow - From the See
Tom Waits - Midtown
Glover Gil & Tosca Tango Orchestra - El Cholulo


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