The Line-Up for 2-18-2011

It is a glorious day. Radiohead pulled the okey-doke on us all and released The King of Limbs a day in advance. I actually had planned to play this album in th mic breaks this evening anyway since I hoped to get the album around noon (since that's about midnight in England) but the push up in release made things much simpler. It's a good album. Not their best, but good.
But I'm gushing too much about non-jazz issues. Here's this week's Line-Up.

Benjamin Drazen - Inner Flights
I just got Drazen's Inner Flights album this week and thought it was pretty good. It's pretty straight ahead but nice. You'll hear more of this in the future more than likely.
Josh Moshier & Mike Lebrun - King's Road
I've been feeling saxophone/piano combos lately so Moshier/Lebrun have come up. I like this pair and I like what they're rolling out with next even more.
Austin Peralta - Capricornus
The works of the Brainfeeder label have still been stuck on my mind. The moment I got paid this week, I bought Endless Planets. This is a very good album and a great first major effort for Peralta. This kid shows a lot of potential. Plus, if this is where Brainfeeder is going, I'm getting excited about the attention jazz is soon to get.
Esperanza Spalding - I Adore You
This really is one of my favorite songs from Spalding, fully indicative of her range as a vocalist and bassist.
Stanley Clarke feat. Esperanza Spalding - All Over Again
This track serves as a transition between recent Grammy winners. This song was my first introduction to Spalding. If Stanley Clarke vouches for her, I'm game.
The Stanley Clarke Band - Fulani
I think I may have played this recently. Like... really recently. But after this album won a Grammy, I have to give it its due justice. Plus, I really like this song.
Medeski Martin & Wood- Uninvisible
I was really working hard on figuring out what song to put in this spot. I technically don't have a soul set this week and that bugs me, but MMW still gets pretty funky enough to count, right?
Kenneth Whalum III - If We Try
I wanted to play some more Kenneth Whalum and also keep with the sax/piano combo that's been on my mind lately.
Nicholas Payton - Tantric
This is another one of those moments when I figured I'd go all out at the close of the show. I also want to marvel in the breadth and versatility of Nicholas Payton's repertoire. I'm a little excited about his upcoming concert now.

Songs During the Mic Breaks (The King of Limbs, woo!)
Radiohead - Lotus Flower
Radiohead - Bloom
Radiohead - Little By Little
Radiohead - Separator


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