The Line-Up for 12-31-2010

This week's New Year's Eve episode of The Line-Up, the last episode of 2010, is a recap of Nextbop's Best Jazz Albums of 2010 list. So it's going to be a little difficult coming up with an entirely different set of words after all the writing I've done this week. Nonetheless, this is a show that depicts what we believe to be the best cutting edge jazz of the last year. I figure a few more works to back up this music would be worth it.

Jason Moran - RFK in the Land of Apartheid
I can whistle this song all day. Seriously. Yesterday, I was walking around in the 79°F temperatures on the Riverwalk, just soaking in the unseasonably warm weather (yes, I'm gloating), and whistling this tune. The beat and melody is just so catchy. This is likely the catchiest tune on the album.
Taylor Eigsti - Daylight
When Seb sent me this album, he used this song as its selling point. True enough, this is a very good song, but as I said in my write-up for this list, it's the vocal talents of Becca Stevens that really pushes Eigsti's Daylight at Midnight over the edge.
Vijay Iyer - Human Nature
Michael Jackson's original version of this song had an airy quality to it that I (and practically everyone else as well) love. Iyer takes that airy quality and adds just a little more subtle charm.
ERIMAJ - End of the Rainbow
There are only four tracks on Jamire Williams' debut EP for his group, yet it was extremely difficult to pick which one to play for this show. In situations such as these (and when you have a show with a time slot right before the Indie Overnight format), it's probably best to go with the Madlib cover.
Baptiste Trotignon - Suite... Pt. I
Picking out just one part of Trotignon's five part Suite... doesn't do the entire composition justice. It really is great in its full context, but a taste should do.
Matt Stevens - Stable Mates
This track is a testament to the wide range that the Meet Matt Stevens EP has.
Marco Benevento - You Know I'm No Good
I probably wouldn't have picked this song from this album for this show, not because it's not a great song but because it seems like the obvious choice. I hate making the obvious choice. Still, when you're trying to cram as much of your top 10 list in an hour as you can (and this list still misses two selections), sometimes you just have to go with a song that's just shorter. This fit the bill.
Christian Scott - The Eraser
Was there any surprise that this evening would end any other way? This is me we're talking about.


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