The Line-Up for 11-5-2010

We've made it to November. The air is crisp, spirits are high. The jazz keeps coming. I'm feeling pretty good about this week's Line-Up, hopefully you do, too. Let's find out, shall we?

Joe Locke - Bright Side Up
This one is a computer selection but I felt it had a better spot to start out the hour than in the middle where the computer picked it. I like starting off with pretty high energy and this song has it.
Vijay Iyer - Patterns
I've had this song in the library for quite some time now but I just couldn't find the right time to play it. It's complex and maybe off-putting for most radio listeners but once again, I decided to have a little faith in my audience. Please don't let me down, audience, and appreciate this song for the complex awesomeness that it is.
Ronnie Foster - Mystic Brew
I didn't notice until just now that I placed this song here immediately after Vijay Iyer, who covered this song on his most adored album last year, Historicity. Total coincidence, really. I was just in the mood to hear this song.
Brad Mehldau - The Falcon Will Fly Again
I really really love this song. It's been coming up a lot recently in my commutes and it's been far too long since I've played it on the air.
Nomo - All The Stars
This track is a library search gone right. I was just scouring the quirky category of music where I place much of the more out there stuff you hear on The Line-Up and ran across this gem. I get some pretty nice gems in here.
Grand Pianoramax - Infidel
It brings me great joy to play this one. I've liked Leo Tardin for a little while now. When I got on board with Nextbop and found out he was part of the collective, it threw me for a bit of a loop. When Seb sent me his latest album, Smooth Danger, I couldn't wait to listen to it. It took even less time for me after that to play a track of it on the show.
Anat Cohen - Washington Square Park
She's coming to San Antonio in December and I'm rather looking forward to it.
The Bad Plus feat. Wendy Lewis - Comfortably Numb
This is hands down, the best track off of the trio's 2009 album, For All I Care. It got stuck in my head a week or two ago. Hopefully, the haunting melody and Lewis' vocals are stuck in yours, too. Hopefully, you won't mind all that much, either.


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