The Line-Up for 8-6-2010

Last week's Line-Up didn't quite gel right and that sort of bugs me. For a moment, I considered playing the exact same songs but in a more coherent order, but instead I chose to just move forward as I do with everything else I do and make this show at least 200% better than before. Hopefully, you'll agree that this show fulfilled that promise...

St. Germain - Sure Thing
I try not to get too far from this song. It's just too cool to let go.
Gerald Clayton - Scrimmage
I find it funny when an artist I would want to play anyway is chosen by the computer. I didn't even have to ask, "When's the last time I heard some Gerald Clayton?" This computer knows me too well.
Jaspects - Chitlins & Chalupas
Nothing says "black guy on the radio in San Antonio" than a song called "Chitlins & Chalupas."
Freddie Hubbard - Red Clay
JJ Lopez had a whole CTI label feature on his Diggin' Deep Soul Shakedown show last Saturday and it so provoked me to play this song tonight. I really really really love Freddie Hubbard and a bunch of stuff from the CTI label. It's soulful stuff like that which hits me in my core.
Menehan Street Band - Home Again!
This is one of those computer selections that's just too cool to deny. Plus, I feel like I've heard this song before and it was totally worth playing on the air.
Leon Thomas - Song for My Father
As I was riding in to the station today, my BlackBerry decided to play Pharoah Sanders' "The Creater Has a Master Plan" featuring Leon Thomas. Every now and again, I'm able to stand this sprawling 32 minute free jazz song. It really is quite brilliant when you're in the mood for it. Of course, "The Creator Has a Master Plan" isn't something I could play on The Line-Up (Though it's not like the song wasn't played on KRTU before. I recall Gerry Gibbs playing the full version before to my simultaneous perplexity and adoration.), but I decided I could at least play some Leon Thomas this evening.
Grand Pianoramax - Feudor
Folks don't give Leo Tardin enough credit, so here I am giving him credit.
Jason Lindner - Worrisome
I really do love Lindner's Now vs. Now album and felt it was time to revisit it for a bit this evening.
Ben Allison - Riding the Nuclear Tiger
Funny thing: The computer picked to play Ben Allison in this hour while Seb posted a press release of his on Nextbop about his performance streaming over at NPR for the Newport Jazz Festival this weekend. That's just too happy of a coincidence for me not to play his work this evening.

Oh, and I keep getting this question from folks who read the playlist but don't get a chance to hear the show. If you so happen to miss The Line-Up on its given time (9pm CST) because you don't live in San Antonio, a live webstream of what's playing on the air is available at Every hour of programming for the last week is also available in the KRTU Playback/Archives. Hit up The Line-Up, Friday at 9pm and you can hear the last episode aired.


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