The Line-Up for 8-13-2010

Yes, it's Friday the 13th but I'm not the superstition sort so this week's show is just as awesome as you would expect it to be. This week is focused initially on everything from the Newport Jazz Festival (many of the sets are available at NPR), but then things just splintered out to a grab bag of all sorts of great stuff. Give it a listen...

Esperanza Spalding - Inútil Paisagem
I didn't want to be the last person on earth to play Esperanza Spalding's latest album (still streamable in its entirety at NPR First Listen for the week) but she wasn't at Newport this year, so I had to find some way to play her while still adhering to the initial theme of this week's show. Fortunately, Gretchen Parlato shares this track and she had a great set last weekend.
Fly - Super Sister
It is amazing how more and more Mark Turner, Larry Grenadier, and Jeff Ballard make their own accolades. Listening to them live should be proof of that.
Darcy James Argue's Secret Society - Phobos
I think I went back to making this my favorite track off of Infernal Machines. And Jon Wikan's cajon sounds even trippier live.
Ben Allison - Third Rail
I've been playing a lot of this guy lately, partially because I just got hipped to him because of Seb. That provoked me to listen to his Newport set. It's good stuff.
The Stanley Clarke Band - Labyrinth
This is the part of the show where the pretense of playing a whole Newport show fell apart. Someone here at the station showed me this album and I couldn't resist playing a track from it. I'm a sucker for Stanley Clarke.
Herbie Hancock & Jaco Pastorius - 4am
When this computer had this track in my hour, I asked myself, "When did Hancock and Pastorius work together?" Then I gave this song a listen and didn't realize after how many times I've heard this song, I didn't know it was these two. You tend to get that a lot in jazz.
The Bad Plus - Heart of Glass
I put this song here claiming I was trying to bring things back to the Newport theme. I mean, they did perform there last year with Wendy Lewis, so I figure it's worth a shot playing an early track of there.
The Nels Cline Singers - Grow Closer
Remember last week when I had that conundrum about playing Nels Cline on the air even though his latest album, Initiate, is really awesome? After that column, I got a few responses from folks saying I should give my audience more credit. (Jeff Albert also had something to say about that column and was a bit of an inspiration for my playing this for this evening.) Still, I figured I'd make it the last song of the evening, just in case.

And remember folks, if you missed The Line-Up while it was live at 9pm CST, it's still available at in the Playback archives for the week. You have no excuses for missing the awesomeness.


Fickle Cattle said…
off topic, i like your userpic. did you make that yourself or is there a program somewhere.
A friend of mine drew the picture of me but if you go to, it'll do the Shepard Fairey-esque color scheme. Plus, I love Paste Magazine which put the site together. Great stuff there.

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