The Line-Up for 7-16-2010

This week, I don't really have anything special to say here other than I suggest you go read my latest column over at Nextbop. Other than that, let's get to the playlist...

Medeski, Martin & Wood - Junkyard
I feel a little trepidation sometimes if I start the hour with MMW. I don't want to put a lot of people off, but MMW so clearly defines what The Line-Up is about that sometimes I just run with it and will play them up top.
Brad Mehldau - Knives Out
I was totally listening to this on the bus yesterday and had so much fun listening to it (as I usually do) that it made its way to tonight.
Anat Cohen - Jitterbug Waltz
The other day, I said to myself, "Retro, you don't play any Anat Cohen on the show." You saw her in Icons Among Us, you know she's learned and has a great background in jazz. You should totally play her on the show. Besides, you don't play enough talented women in general. You should get on that."
Ravi Coltrane - Ginger Bread Boy
I almost chose to put another song here. Probably Freddie Hubbard's version of "Caravan," but I figured I'd play something a little more modern since I'd have another song from the 70s a little later in the show. Ravi Coltrane worked quite nicely.
Aaron Goldberg - The Rules
Another computer selection gone right. The computer loves me.
Dr. Lonnie Smith - People Make the World Go Round
Every now and then, this Stylistics' comes to mind and I'll hum a few bars of it to myself. Tonight, that humming comes to fruition for ten minutes and thirty-nine seconds.
Pat Metheny - Bright Size Life
It's no secret that I was raised on smooth jazz before I moved on to embrace modern mainstream jazz. My education had to start somewhere and falling for Pat Metheny was a part of that. No matter how many Matt Stevens' or Nels Cline's come along, I'll always have a soft spot for Metheny. Even more for jazz from the 1970s. That's what makes Retro, Retro.
Ximo Tebar - Inner Urge
Yep, the computer loves me.


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