Nextbop: The Every Genre & Colbert Vs. The Jazz Robot

I had a couple of posts up on Nextbop yesterday. One short, one long, both amusing. At least I hope you'll find them amusing, but I don't want to speak for you, dear reader. That would be presumptuous.

Here's a snippet of my weekly column on how jazz is similar to other niche genres today, entitled The Every Genre.
The philosophy of Nextbop isn’t just about promoting jazz to jazz lovers. It’s not even mainly focused on such a vision. Nextbop is about appealing to everyone. It’s about promoting jazz to the world. It’s about showing the indie rock crowd, the punk rock crowd, the hip hop crowd, the R&B crowd, the bluegrass crowd, and so many other scenes that this kind of music is great and it’s not so far off from what you’re used to hearing. We shan’t limit ourselves to just one ideology for the sake of appeasing one crowd when the whole world can appreciate this music for its complexities.
And there's also a short news piece I posted about The Colbert Report a couple of nights ago in which he made fun of jazz music again. As I said, if it weren't so funny, I'd be offended. Fortunately, Colbert is hilarious so I'm cool with that.

You should read those pieces. They're pretty good, I think. Otherwise, I'll see you here later tonight for The Line-Up at 9pm Central Time on. You can live stream the show from


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