The Line-Up for 4-23-2010

Today's challenge in writing the accompanying playlist involves writing this post in IE6 since my computer is going through its death rattle. Still, tonight's show is great and has little to do with my computer woes. I listened through the webstream on my BlackBerry again, though. Anyway, tonight's playlist...

Joe Locke - The Shadow of Your Smile feat. Kenny Washington
I didn't really know anything about this song but the computer picked this song for the top of the set. Kenny Washington's spectacular vocals are why I decided to keep it. I was really impressed.
Brad Mehldau - Into the City
I wanted to play something else from Highway Rider this week so that's why this is here.
Joe Sample - Fly With Wings of Love
Ever since the Joe Sample show a couple of months ago, there's been a bunch of Joe Sample music that I added to the system. Much of it didn't play for that show specifically for a case like this.
Christian Scott - K.K.P.D.
Now that the album is out and Christian Scott is blowing up all over the place, I'd like to remind you that y'all probably heard stuff off Yesterday You Said Tomorrow on The Line-Up first. Don't say I never give you anything. Oh, and this song should be a reminder that you should have this album by now if you don't already have it.
Roy Hargrove Big Band - Roy Allen
I don't know why but I felt like playing this again.
Medeski, Martin & Wood - Wonton
Same thing with playing some MMW. I just asked myself, "Hey, when's the last time I played some Medeski, Martin & Wood?" That's why this is here.
Sam Sadigursky - Miss Teen U.S.A.
Last week, I played Sadigursky's rendition of Langston Hughes' "The Dream Keeper." Tonight, I figured I'd bring things back to my favorite tune of his, the intepretation of Caitlan Upton's prattling.
The Bad Plus - Tom Sawyer
I knew I wanted to play some Bad Plus this evening and figured closing the song with a Rush tune is a great transition over to Nocturnal Transtions. I hope I made the right choice.


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