A Democrat's Conflict

I've been talking a lot about bipartisanship. It means a lot to me. But right now, I'm feeling sort of conflicted.

This post may be a little short and it will technically count for my post for the day, but I just want it known, I have a larger, more substantive post I'm mulling over that I'll write up later in the day.

With the recount in Minnesota going on, there's a chance Al Franken could be the new senator there. I really want that to happen. The same could be said for the runoff in December between Jim Martin and Saxby Chambliss. There are new factors that could give Martin the senate seat he deserves (and put an end to this annoying, demoralizing campaign once and for all).

It's looking more and more likely that Franken, Martin, and Mark Begich of Alaska (as opposed to the felon, Sen. Ted Stevens) could win their senate seats and give the democrats a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. I want them all to win individually but I don't want the democrats to have that much of an advantage in the Senate.

With Barack Obama leading the democratic party with a message of cooperation and bipartisanship, it may not be the best thing to govern with the capacity to tell your opposing colleagues to sit on the bench until midterms. There are issues that the two must work together in tandem in order to best serve the entirety of this nation. It would be best if republicans could at least have more of a voice.

I just don't want that voice to be from corrupt Ted Stevens or duplicitous Saxby Chambliss. I'd like to see what Al Franken can do in a position of power (which means I guess I can't make fun of Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger).

The best thing I can do is watch and see what happens in Alaska and Minnesota's recounts and vote Jim Martin for Senate come December 2. Everything else, I'll leave to the Lord and to the electorate.


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