...But Can We Afford It?
The US Space Program recently announced that it’s planning to return to the moon by 2018 with plans to travel to Mars not much later. The space shuttle is being cast to the wayside in 2010 to make way for the CEV, or Crew Exploration Vehicle, which will transport up to four astronauts to the moon and back and even transport supplies to the International Space Station. NASA Administrator Michael Griffith has referred to the vehicle as “Apollo on steroids.” Yet while according to NASA, the price of the new space program is only fifty-five percent of the original Apollo program after inflation spread out over thirteen years, Americans must still ask the question of whether we want to foot the bill at this chapter in America. Some are predicting the costs of assisting the survivors of Hurricane Katrina to be between two and three hundred million dollars. We’re still fighting a war in Iraq, and while it may not be widely publicized, we’re still working a little on Afghanistan. Pre...